Mercury is okay at the moment. He had the surgery on his tongue to hopefully remove all or most of the cancerous cells. I called the vets and they said he is groggy and they may want to keep him overnight, and I should call back at 6pm to actually talk to the vet about it. I am happy because his coming out of the anathesia was a worry. What is next is a bigger worry.
So now, you will get treated to a few more Mercury and Tigger pictures. These were taken just Saturday at my Dad's.
They started the day off running -
Woo Hoo! What a run, and what happy news on the Mercury front. :o)
Well, actually, the news is not so good today. I am pretty sad.
They were only able to take off 60%of the tumor but said that it was much more extensive then they thought. He may have 6-8 months tops. bleh.
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