Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dad 3

It's been a week as of yesterday and there has been no changes. My Dad has had fevers, then cooling extermities, he is breathing but in a shallow way, he still has a heart beat, but it is intermittent and still the doctor can not say anything other than ' it could be 4 hours or 4 more days'.

The hospice doesn't have any internet service, I am posting this from home - I ran home long enough to get clothes and see the dogs.

We are talking to Dad and also about him. Trying to get good memories from each of us at the room about things that Dad had a part in. He walked 3 of the four girls there down the aisle and we reminiced about that. I asked his wife about her favorite vacation they went on and she told us about some places they went. My sister and I shared times when we were growing up about Dad teaching us to ride a bike, a horse and to drive. I talked today with one of his WW2 buddies. They were in the same infantry division/unit together. They are the last two alive from that unit. He shared some war stories with me about my dad that I hadn't heard yet.

Dad is being given morphine for the pain and it seems like he is just taking a nap while we all talk around him. He usually does that....takes a nap and lets the party go on.


Lynnbug said...

He can hear you--it is good that you are all walking down memory lane with him.

I wish you werent having to go through this.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Oh Betsy,

Please know that I am thinking about you during this time and praying for you. As hard as this must be for everyone right now, I just know your Dad hears all of the wonderful things being remembered and spoken as he rests. What a great honor to do this for him and for yourselves. Take care and I will keep praying for you.

Laurie in Ca.