Thursday, November 29, 2007

Another treasure chest found

So here I was, down in the basement sorting thru boxes. I brought one upstairs and opened it to! A treasure chest of pictures. Photos I hadn't seen in about 10 years or so. It was fun and heartwrenching at the same time.

I sorted thru them and tonight I scanned a few. This first one was taken in a small town called Skaneateles - it's where I grew up. We went up there in 1992 to visit some friends and I got to show Jim all the houses and streets and buildings that held memories for me.

Not sure when this one was taken, but it sure looks like we were having some laughs! It is nice to see the laughter but I find I have an ache though when I look at the picture and want to feel Jim's arms around me again.

I know that this photo was taken at Jim's sons High School Graduation. I don't have that suit anymore but that tie of Jim's is still around. It was one of his favorites.

Ah, my Mom's swimming pool. This picture was taken when Jim's family came down for a saturday at the pool. Jim's Mom, sister and brother were there along with my nieces and sister. It made for a great day in the sun and the water.

Here is another pool shot. The date on the photo tells me it was taken 2 months before our wedding. We were probably down for wedding plans. I can't believe it's me in the bikini. We loved to visit Mom and take a swim in the pool.
I think this one is the favorite of the pics that I found. It was taken in his backyard right around 1990 or so. What a studman Jim was! That look in his eyes was all about 'come and get me'. Who could resist? Not me.

Many more photos were found and even a special find - watercolors that my father had painted back in 1958. I had been looking/thinking of them for a couple years wondering where they had gotten to. Well I know I will keep going thru boxes, getting rid of stuff and finding treasures.
Edit to this blog. I realized that it was a month ago that I posted that I found pictures in the basement then. I didn't realize that a) I had that many photos, though I guess I am not surprised, knowing me, the camera and Jim's willingness to pose and b) that so many were put away in boxes. Anyway, it gives me hope that I will find some more someday. Each photo is a memory.

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