Monday, July 16, 2007

2001 a spot odyssey

Gryphon. Our first Dalmatian. Was with us for five years before he crossed the rainbow bridge. Brought us joy and education and unconditional love. What a wonder, what a monkeyboy, what fun! I am thinking he was there waiting for Jim to run with him as they did before.


Anonymous said...

I truly believe that Gryphon was there for Jim and he had lots of spotted friends to introduce him too!

Betts4 said...

Donna, I think Gryphon is trying to tell me that. Or Jim is. I found the last picture posted the other day (and it inspired the blog). But, I haven't seen that picture in more than 8 years. I mean I love it, but it was put away and stuck in a forgotten folder. I love finding treasures like this.